New Jersey Young Insurance Professionals is pleased to invite you to attend the 30th Annual Golf Open on Monday, May 3, 2021. This event brings together members and industry colleagues for an 18-hole, scramble-format outing and an opportunity to cultivate new business contacts. With extended networking opportunities during the lunch buffet, even nongolfers benefit. Visit us at njyip.org for more information!
NJYIP will support Michael's Feat, a nonprofit organization established to support, give comfort and ease the burden for parents caring for seriously ill newborns, through the donation of the proceeds of the Mulligan sales at this year’s Golf Open.
Did you know NJYIP members receive a discount to most NJYIP events? Are you interested in registering for an event, but don’t remember your YIP member number? Email YIP@pia.org.
Buffet sponsor
Online registration is closed.