New York Young Insurance Professionals is pleased to invite you to attend the Annual Golf Open at the The Mill River Club, Oyster Bay, N.Y. Join us for one of the largest industry golf events in New York which includes 18 holes of golf and opportunities to cultivate business contacts.

This year we will be honoring Ian Sterling of SterlingRisk Programs as the NY Young Insurance Professional of the Year for 2020, at the awards ceremony, immediately following the Annual Golf Open.
Not a golfer, but would like to congratulate Ian? Contact Shauna Rockwell, at srockwell@pia.org to purchase add space in the program book or join us with a dinner only registration.
New York Young Insurance Professionals will be implementing social distancing measures to make sure everyone has an enjoyable and safe experience.
Registration closed
For more information please contact NY-YIP Coordinator, Shauna Rockwell, at srockwell@pia.org