Our networking opportunities simply are unrivaled. The YIP Online Membership Directory makes all YIP members just a mouse-click away, providing information and specifics regarding colleagues from Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. Our receptions, golf outings, annual conference events and community activities give our members multiple opportunities to forge and cement industry contacts while becoming part of a powerful collective force that advocates young professional issues at all levels.
Our leadership positions throughout the organization—from committee member and chair to director and officer—give YIP members the chance to experience leadership first-hand. By participating in professional meetings, delivering reports and representing the organization to industry colleagues and the greater community, YIP members build exceptional skills and enhance their professional profile.
Keep up-to-date with newsletters and industry information. Our affiliation with the Professional Insurance Agents gives YIP members the opportunities to learn about and take part in the legislative process—both at the local and national levels.
Develop and perfect the professional skills required to succeed in the insurance industry. Enhance industry knowledge and professional motivation; develop communication and leadership skills. From our Fundamentals of Insurance certificate program to our roundtable discussions, interactive executive panels and continuing education credit seminars, we have something for all young professionals looking to excel.
Enjoy our unique education and networking programs at member discounts! Take part in our golf outings, industry trade shows, community projects, legislative awareness and so much more. Our programs provide you with the tools you will need to succeed and we have an awful lot of fun along the way. Join us today!
New Employee Orientation Series—Quality training for employees in their first years, all online and with no time out of the office.
PIA Webinars—Earn CE at your desk while getting the insurance industry training you need.As a member you'll recieve two, free one-hour PIA webinars.
CIC designation program—The Certified Insurance Counselors designation, which signifies a high level of experience and competence.
CISR designation program—The Certified Insurance Service Representative designation empowers representatives to provide exceptional customer service.
CPIA designation program—The Certified Professional Insurance Agent designation reflects professionalism and a commitment to training, technical knowledge and results.
And once you join
We hope you become active. We hope you consider attending not only our events, but our meetings as well. We’re looking for engaged members who will make this association their own and help steer it solidly into the future. We are interested in your feedback, ideas and visions. We look forward to working with you!
Our affiliate
NY-YIP is affiliated with Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc.—a voluntary, membership-based trade association representing independent agents, and dedicated to building the future for professional insurance agents throughout the state.